Hostel Rules

Instructions for Hostel Students

The School is like an extended family both for the students and the teachers. All the boys are required to treat their teachers as their parents and the teachers will definitely look after you as their own ward. So long as the students are in this school, they must maintain the following norms:

  • Their dealings everywhere will be humble and respectful with the teachers, their seniors as well as sympathetic and respectful with all others.
  • As far as possible, the students should do their own work without depending on the support staff.
  • The students must see that their dormitories are always kept clean and tidy. The books and the clothes must never be scattered in dormitories.
  • Whenever any work is given by the teachers, the students should take up the work sportingly and should not complain. This will help them to grow in personality and enhance their leadership skills.
  • Be economical in the use of water, turn off the taps after use. If you see any tap or pipe is leaking, close the tap or report the matter to the school office.
  • Make sure that electricity is not wasted. Switch off the lights and fans whenever and wherever they are not required.
  • The students should be present during celebrations and functions. All the students will ensure that no one shout or make loud noises during functions and in the dining hall.
  • Only the inmates are allowed to enter the dormitories. Outsiders including parents, relatives and friends are not allowed in the dormitories.
  • All the students must attend regular physical exercises and play games to keep their body and mind fit.
  • When any one suffers from any illness he/she should immediately contact the campus nurse or the Hostel warden to seek medical help.
  • If any particular diet does not suit any student he/she should inform the Kitchen-in-charge to have some substitute. In no case should a student avoid his meals.
  • To maintain physical cleanliness, nail should be trimmed, oil & soaps to be used regularly, and the hair cut should be in a fashion befitting a student.
  • Students should always bear in mind to drop pieces of paper, pencil scrapings, fruit seeds, chocolate wrappers and peeling into the dustbin. If by chance, they find any such thing lying in the premises, they should remove them immediately and throw them into the dustbin.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to scribble on the walls, furniture etc. and if any one is found defacing the school property he/ she will be ask to make good the damage caused at his/her own expenses. Benches, and chairs should not be dragged.
  • Doors and windows should be opened or closed gently and hooked or bolted without forgetting.
  • . Everyone should bear in mind that the toilets are used by several students and hence every one who uses the toilet must make sure that he/she leaves the toilet clean after he / she uses it so that the next person who use the same will not find the smell or stench.
  • Outdoor games like Cricket, football, volley ball etc. should never be played inside the dormitories including court yards, Balls should not be thrown against the inside or outside walls of the building.
  • Students are required to write their Roll Nos. on all their belongings like clothes, books, exercise books, soap cases, socks, sports shoes, black shoes etc. This will enable others to return the misplaced articles to the owner.
  • Students are strictly prohibited to keep any money with them. If on verification, if anyone is found to possess money, the same will be confiscated.
  • The use of mobile phones/cell phones or any other electronic/electrical equipment by the students is strictly prohibited and any student caught with the same shall be dealt with strictly.
  • Students are required to speak only in English when they are in the dormitories.
  • The use of foul/uncouth language shall not be tolerated and students using the same shall be dealt with severely.
  • . Students should avoid running around and chasing one another in the verandahs. They may dash against each other and get injured.
  • Students are not allowed to go to the dormitories during the school hours.
  • Students must be attentive in class and note down important points when the lesson is being taught.
  • When the students are in the library they should behave well with the librarian and they are not supposed to misplace the books.
  • Keeping perfect silence in the library is a must. Do not take the news papers or the magazines out of the library. Do not take any clippings or tear pages from books and periodicals.
  • Students are allowed to talk to their parents on the phone only during the stipulated schedule mentioned in the almanac. The conversation period will be of five minutes so that others who want to talk may get a chance.
  • Students are not allowed to bring more than three pairs of coloured/casual clothes to the school.
  • Students are strictly forbidden to consume intoxicants or chew pan or betel nuts or any other addictives when they are in the school campus. No one should also possess the above articles. Consuming or possessing of any of the above or related articles will result in the dismissal of the student from the hostel and from the school.